Final Day of Dashboard Week

by Tanbir Jalil

The final day of dashboard week is finally upon DS38 and today's data set was about boy bands over the years. The data set comes from Pudding, and was hosted on github: data/boys.csv at master · the-pudding/data · GitHub

The data was relatively clean and the next step was to start planning and sketching. Within the dataset, there was a url to a music video for each artist, and my initial thinking was finding a way to bring this into my dashboard, along with an image for each artist. So the first obstacle was finding images for each band. I thought this could perhaps be a job for AI so off I went to chatGPT. I entered my prompt and a column with the names of each band, but chatgpt responded as shown below:

ChatGPT had zero capability to provide external URLS, no matter how I altered the promt or tried to trick my way around this built in limitation of the tool. My first thought after was to try another AI software, with Sonic getting excellent reviews. But this was also no -go with the exact same issues. So I had to slightly scope down, and instead skeched as shown below.

I decided to go with a dashboard looking at the 'typical' boy bander of the last few decades. The end result was as follows:

And with that, Dashboard Week comes to a close. And more than that, 17 weeks, 85 days of training finally comes to a close.

Thu 01 Jun 2023

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