What did it take to get into DS42?

DS42 has just started their journey at the Data School. A perfect time to look at what it took for them to get in!

Make sure to follow their profiles to check out there blogs and feel free to connect with them on LinkedIn.

You can apply for The Data School here.

First image are part of their initial applications and the second images are their final interview applications, enjoy!

Aurora Malinauskaite

Tableau Public | LinkedIn

Beza Taye

Tableau Public | LinkedIn

Dan Wade

Tableau Public | LinkedIn | Twitter

Faith (Imani) Rotich

Tableau Public | LinkedIn | Twitter

Hannah Bartholomew

Tableau Public | LinkedIn

Harvey Joyce

Tableau Public | LinkedIn

Thomas Smith

Tableau Public | LinkedIn

Yoan Coboste

Tableau Public | LinkedIn
Robbin Vernooij
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