I was anxious to take the core exam because my learning difficulties always made comprehensive exams harder for me to take. Peter Gamble reassured me I shouldn't let this scare me which helped me to assess the exam better. Here are the key tips I can assure will give you the confidence to pass.
The Interactive Core Cert Prep Guide -
These interactive prep videos on the Alteryx website helped me a lot. They give you a walkthrough and detail of all the tools and potential knowledge you will need to know for the exam. Don't overlook a tool you feel may be 'unimportant', I did this with the output tool and paid the price!
The Core Cert Practice Test -
Take the practice test to get a feel of what the exam questions will be like. You can also use this as a chance to look over any topics you don't do too well in.
Make a personal Cheat Sheet -
Entering the exam, I had a word document I had previously made. The document listed the main purpose of tools and what their configurations are. Especially since I would often confuse the Transpose and Crosstab tool, this document helped me to differentiate the two.
Time, Time, Time -
My greatest downfall with exams is always my timing. There are 80 questions for the 2 hour Alteryx exam which leaves about 1.5 minutes for each question. If I'm honest, do not spend more than 30 seconds on each short question. You will need a good few minutes to dedicate to the practical questions, as they hold much more weight.
The first few weeks of the data school training gave us good practice on how to answer a question when give a data input. The core exam practical's test your comfortability of putting tools into practice. As long as you've gone through a few workflows using all the exam tools, the questions should be a breeze. One thing I will say is to read the question. They are often worded in a confusing way and require a couple of rereads to understand what the question is asking.
My last bit of advice is to use the Alteryx documentation help page (linked on the right) for the questions you get stuck on during the exam. Since it is open book, have this tab open and ready for when you really need it.

These are all my key tips. I hope is helps someone else to pass their core exam because it really did help me. Best of luck!