When you have to prepare any kind of data it’s usually a good practise to plan your data preparation. Imagine being under time pressure but you have have to present your first progress. What will you present? In most of the time your audience isn’t into data or any tools you usually use. For such cases you can use a simple tool called “Excalidraw”. It’s a very simple and handy programm. On my first friday project I had to prepare the data set I used for my first dashboard. And Excalidraw is a great opportunity to plan your preparation. The following picture is showing you all the steps I considered within my data preparation process.
This demonstration is not only to show you the steps I did, it’s a good way to plan the whole preparation process. So back to the situation; What can you present you’re audience? Right! A well prepared Flow with Excalidraw. You may haven’t finished your work yet but no worries! You went throught the whole process already. Actually your work is done and another great thing is: It looks way to much better and it’s way better understandable for your audience.